Have you thought about a leadership role in Denver Astronomical Society? It’s a great way to be involved in continuing to make DAS the great organization that it is. Do you know someone who would be great in a leadership role at DAS?
Nominations for the election of Executive Board (“E-Board”) trustees and officers will open during January’s general membership meeting on Jan 29th, and will remain open until noon February 24th Denver time.
2021’s election is scheduled for our annual membership meeting on Friday, February 26th at our Virtual General Meeting using "ElectionBuddy.com" election management software (details to follow). The election is planned to open the morning of February 25th and will close at 9 PM February 26 during the General Meeting, to allow early voting.
If you’re interested in throwing your hat in the ring drop a note to this year’s Election Chair, Tim Pimentel. He can be reached at nominations@denverastro.org.