Join the DAS and DU at Chamberlin Observatory on November 11, 2019 for the MERCURY TRANSIT. The next one after that is November 13, 2032. We are planning to observe the transit with both the Alvin-Clark telescope and solar telescopes on the lawn.
We need volunteers with solar telescopes, some dome volunteers/certified telescope operators, ticket takers, traffic flow at staircase, and a few people for observatory tours. So far, we have the volunteers below. Thanks!
You can also join us for this rare astronomical event just for fun! No need to volunteer unless you want to.
Let me know if you would like to help! Email me at:
Set-up at 7:00 AM. Observing starts at 7:30 AM
Dome/Scope: Joe Godwin-Austen, July Candia
Solar Scopes: Ron #3
Tours/Social: Jason Cordova
Keyholder/General: Dena McClung